Hobby's secret
Hobby means like dancing, drawing, cooking etc. People want to do stuff because they like that. May be you are thinking it is a simple topic but it isn't, may be like to do stuff has a reason behind that. A person is a human software. A technology who has difficult structure. If somebody like to do a particular stuff persistently then it is not a common or random thing. For example somebody likes to write stories but he wants to write funny stories. The question is why he wants to like a particular thing in a particular way? How does he choose that?. In some cases family's talent is carried by next generations so probably this may be one of the reason for them. It happens for some people but what about others?... how their mind choose a hobby or talent in which they grow gradually and make them self an expert. Sachin Tendulkar the famous cricketer who is called as a god of cricket. How he chose to play cricket? Lots of people know ...