If you want to be rich

If you want to be rich first thing you need to figure out is, why? Yeah.. why you want to become a rich person?
This question is more important and necessary than your desire to achieve your dream.

I assume here that making yourself rich is the way to be happy because it is a common thought that if some one gets lot of money he would not have to worry anymore. People has different purposes and troubles which can solve by money as per their thoughts.

So first you think about your past life where once you wanted something badly and thought like this thing will make you happy in future.... after some struggle you achieved that. In that moment you were happy but, is your happiness still stay with you? It was there but after some moments you were being worry for another things and it goes again and again. 

This mean whatever you think ever for cause of your happiness is gonna end someday. Now link this with your money dream, more money will not make you happy forever. May be it will solve your few problems but your dream is to become rich rather than to get enough money. To become rich and try to get enough money are two different dreams. To become rich is our topic. If you think that happiness is your reason to become rich then my friend it is not enough.. 
 Read this story..
A person who lived in a small hut in the middle of jungle somewhere. He had a wish to become rich and live in the city with a big house. Somehow he managed to go to city and with hard work he got settle there. His ambitions consistently increased and pushed him to get more money so he started business and became successful. To get all luxurious things and maintaining his business he had to be engaged in working all the time. In his retiring age where his family had taken all financial charges then he had time to rest so he went to an island which he brought where he could live in peace there he had a wood house in the middle of jungle.
Now he is at the same circumstance where he had started in all these years, he never got the peace as he had there in the jungle. In the whole life he had earn so much money because he thought happiness will come after that but that day never came.

What do you think what will happen when you will be rich. Money will bring so many sacrifices for you. We ignore that sacrifices and time of our life which will gonna spend in process. 
When you think somebody has car or house or clothes better than you and you want that better. This can't be true because in this world there will be always somebody who has things better than you.

See this picture what are you wishing right now.. wow.. some day you will be there like him and that will be awesome day for you. But in reality when you will be there you won't care those things. So what you are imagining in your dream for future that is just a feeling which wouldn't come in future in the same way. So whole point of your to get all you want has no sense. 
People do have tendency to look forward for future but when future comes, they still keep looking forward for next future. 
If you want to live in that sense than you didn't understand real meaning of life or just ignoring this.

live a life is not outside it is inside in our body what we feel and experience and how we engage with others and make better things for people and world.
So think in deep about your why's answer because before spend your life for something you should know where you would reach.

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In this article you have said that money can't buy happiness. But you should tell us the way that we should do in our Life so that we can live happily
Rita sharma said…
In this single post its not possible to describe every thing, so about how we can live happily i will write upon that in next articles. thanks for comment.

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